Fitness Plan Update: 5 Weeks In, 13 Pounds Down

So at 4 weeks postpartum from my second baby, I woke up one morning and realized that my pre-pregnancy fit n’ trim runner’s body had somehow been transformed into a desperately deconditioned obese body. I was shlubbing about at BMI 30, and looking at purchasing a whole new work wardrobe.

So I started a modified South Beach Diet  (including fruits, along with the veggies and proteins) and an aggressive fitness plan. Things were going great, until my husband was hospitalized for 5 days (see previous posts).

Then, we all went into survival mode.

He’s fine now (THANKS GOD!), back at home and work, and I am now also back at work (went back early, at 9 weeks postpartum)…  And even with the emotional trauma of having hubby so suddenly sick and possibly facing major abdominal surgery, combined with the sleep deprivation of a new baby/ toddler combo, I managed to continue to lose weight.

Actually, when I’m stressed I just can’t eat very much… Or make breast milk, for that matter. I had been breastfeeding up to that terrible week. But with the trips to the hospital, missing feeds, missing sleep, trying to pump, and supplementing with formula, it just didn’t work out. All my breast milk was gone by the time hubby came home. I wasn’t upset; it was just too complicated for me to try to keep it up during that  time.

And so I am back to my own body, and back at work, and revving back up the plan. I stepped on the scame this weekend, and I see that I am 13 pounds down, and now at BMI 27.5.

Yup, back to yogurt and fruit for breakfast, hard-boiled eggs and fruit for lunch, chicken and veggies for dinner. This diet is not bad at all, it just requires some thought and preparation. And generous amounts of Truvia.  

Yesterday I went for a jog– all by myself!! It was glorious. And very brief. I even did some modified pushups on a park bench. I am sore.

But, I am back on track. Goal weight loss is for total 40 pounds, down to a normal BMI.

Barring any more family emergencies…

1 thought on “Fitness Plan Update: 5 Weeks In, 13 Pounds Down”

  • Sorry to read about all the upheavals but glad your husband is better. Good for you on sticking with the diet/exercise. I’ve started back running (>4 months post-partum, and >2 years since I’ve last ran!) and its wreaking havoc on my milk supply. I find I have to eat extra on my running days, so I’m giving up on any plans of weight loss until baby is weaned. But I’m still noticing an improvement in my body & my fitness, so its still worthwhile.

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